DOE Sponsored Projects 2.0

In April 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy announced the renewal of IACMI to further technological R&D and accelerate commercialization in the domestic composites manufacturing sector.

Today, IACMI DOE projects validate manufacturing technologies to respond to private industry’s need for faster and more cost-, material-, and energy-efficient composite manufacturing, including recycling and the end-of-product life. IACMI resources are used to collaborate with members on selected projects. Support and collaboration of industry, research institutions, and state partners ensure that technical risk is reduced and advancements within the composites supply chain are enabled.

IACMI DOE Priorities 2023-2028

Do you have a project idea or innovative product that aligns with DOE goals? Fill out the Idea paper and email it to


WEBINAR: Opportunities for Member Participation in Technical Projects

On Tuesday (Sept. 12), IACMI’s Dale Brosius (EVP & CCO) and Erin Brophy (COO) presented a webinar to active IACMI members about opportunities for participating in our future projects. The goal was to give examples of previous successful technical projects and lay out the process for communicating ideas, gathering partnerships, and submitting proposals for future ones. Those being considered for funding should fall within our focused markets of Wind Energy, Electric Vehicles, and Hydrogen Storage or have cross-cutting R&D elements related to Circular Economy and Life Cycle Analysis, Digitalization and Industry 4.0, or Materials and Processes. All interested parties should fill out an IACMI Idea Paper  and email them to (Idea Paper, webinar video and presentation available at links below.)


“I want to emphasize we’re looking for a variety of projects in size, scope, and focus for our portfolio,” said Dale Brosius. “If you have products or technologies you believe can help IACMI achieve the DOE goals, we can help you identify a project and potential partners. We’re here to help make those connections.” There is no current deadline for submissions, but ideas will be evaluated on a first-come, first-serve basis.


IACMI Member Webinar Presentation 9-12-2023

Video Recording IACMI Member Webinar 9-12-2023

IACMI Idea Paper