We are IACMI.

IACMI—The Composites Institute is a partnership of industry, academic and governmental organizations joining forces to benefit the nation’s energy and economic security. We accomplish this by bringing low-cost, energy-efficient advanced composites to commercial readiness through the collaborative and innovative work of our members.

About Us

Inspired by other public/private composites institutes across the globe, the founders of IACMI—The Composites Institute cast their vision in 2015: to move composites manufacturing forward and inspire new composites applications. Our mission is to accelerate the development and adoption of innovative composites manufacturing technologies. Our goal is to spur the growth of low-cost, energy efficient advanced composites applications. Our collaborative work through public-private partnerships drives domestic production capacity, strengthens U.S. manufacturing competitiveness, and elevates job creation across the U.S. composites industry.

IACMI was the first Manufacturing USA institute to receive renewed funding from the U.S. Department of Energy in 2023 for the next 5 years. We recognize the great value and untapped potential of composites to make our nation much more energy-efficient in nearly every sector of commercial activity.


Our Team

What is the best way to stimulate research and development in composite materials and manufacturing processes? At IACMI – The Composites Institute, we think the answer starts with people. The best people. A team of individuals with the combined experience, talents and know-how to expertly facilitate great advances in our industry. Our team is passionate about composites and equipped to drive innovation in our industry forward.

Our Team

Our Consortium Council

IACMI is committed to advancing the composites industry and the careers of the professionals working in it. Through focused working groups, specific technology areas and shared resources, we are moving the composites industry forward.


Manufacturing USA

IACMI – The Composites Institute is one of 17 institutes that make up Manufacturing USA, a national network connecting people, ideas and technology to secure U.S. global leadership in advanced manufacturing. Manufacturing USA institutes foster collaboration among manufacturers, academic institutions and other stakeholders. This network seeks to build the national manufacturing workforce, advance technology, create new products, and reduce the costs and risks to individual companies associated with these activities.

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