IACMI takes part in Transatlantic Cluster Initiative on Lightweighting

IACMI-The Composites Institute was the first of three stops for the Transatlantic Cluster Roadshow on Lightweighting Technology and Materials organized by the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest, Inc. (GACC Midwest). In collaboration with local area business and other Manufacturing USA institutes such as LIFT, the GACC Midwest set out to learn more about lightweighting technologies being developed in the United States to help advance the expanding and dynamic transatlantic economic landscape.

The one-day stop in Knoxville included site visits of Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL) Manufacturing Demonstration Facility and Local Motors, as well as presentations from IACMI and ORNL leadership. The morning concluded with a joint panel discussing industry-wide challenges including materials performance, structural simulation, joining technologies, and recyclability.

For more information on the Transatlantic Cluster Initiative, click here, or read LIVE tweets from the roadshow.

Learn more about the Detroit stop via LIFT.