IACMI Concludes Summer Internship

Photo: (top to bottom, left to right) Bob Norris, ORNL; Uday Vaidya, IACMI; James Bracket, University of Tennessee; Samuel Williams, Winona State University; Craig Blue, IACMI; Christopher Hershey, Michigan State University; Shailesh Pandurang Alwekar, University of Tennessee; Hugh MacDowell, Michigan State University; David McConnell, University of Tennessee; Soydan Ozcan, ORNL; Kevin Schuett, Michigan State University; Vikas Patel, University of Alabama Birmingham; Hannah Maeser, Clemson University; Dayakar Penumadu, ORNL; Hicham Ghossein, University of Tennessee; Derek Berry, IACMI; Rodney Cowden, Purdue University; Joannie Harmon, IACMI; Georgia Hurchalla, Michigan Technological University; Kelsey Wells, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; William Henken, University of Central Florida; Sawyer Buck, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; Nicholas Brady, Virginia Polytechnic Institute; Brayden Aller, Vanderbilt University; Mary Daffron, University of Tennessee; Bretton Bethel, Wright State University

KNOXVILLE, TN  IACMI’s Summer Internship Program received several hundred applications from more than 116 colleges and universities across the country—with only 15 participants selected and awarded a paid 10-week internship at one of five IACMI partner locations. The program, now completed, provided undergraduate and graduate students with national exposure, hands-on access to state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment and academic interactions with high-level scientists and engineers in advanced composites and manufacturing fields. Summer interns were introduced in Indiana during the IACMI Members Meeting with national laboratories, IACMI partner universities and industry partners such as Volkswagen, Dassault Systèmes and Lockheed Martin.

IACMI interns conduct research at one of five partner sites across the U.S.—Colorado, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee—that align with the Composites Institute’s five shared research, development, and demonstration facilities; Composite Materials and Process, Compressed Gas Storage, Design, Modeling, and Simulation, Vehicles, and Wind Turbines. IACMI interns partnered with mentors on a variety of projects ranging from designing and producing a composite Hyperloop shell prototype to developing polystyrene microcapsules around a paraffin wax core to be used in the creation of wind turbine blades, all responding to the need for faster and more cost-material- and energy efficient composite manufacturing.

By exposing students to cutting-edge composites technology research, the internship program provides participants with the opportunity to become engaged in and contribute to activities relevant to the composites industry. This helps aid the creation of a new generation of the composites workforce and expand the composites industry for future career growth.

2016 IACMI Summer Interns include:

“The successful integration of innovative technologies depends on a number of critical factors including the availability of a skilled workforce with hands-on training in advanced materials,” said Craig Blue, IACMI-The Composites Institute CEO. “The IACMI Internship Program helps educate and develop the human talent needed to support composites technologies in a broad range of sectors including automotive, wind, compressed gas, aerospace, energy, defense, and other industrial applications.”

The IACMI Internship is managed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities, (ORAU). Supportive collaborations with IACMI partners lend a diverse experience to the program for recruiting students of high quality and exceptional technical aptitude. For more information, visit IACMI.org and check out the Intern Video to see what this summer’s participants studied. Future internship opportunities at IACMI will be announced soon.