April 17, 2020
Reminder: The Deadline for High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4MFG) Concept Papers is April 30, 2020.
April 30, 2020 is the updated deadline for concept paper submission to the HPC4MFG program. This DOE special solicitation for Manufacturing USA institutes, AMO funded R&D consortia, and their member companies supports projects in High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg). IACMI encourages all members to consider applying for this support.
Under this Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) program, DOE funds National Laboratories to work with competitively selected projects to apply modeling, simulation, and data analysis to industrial processes and products to lower production costs and shorten the time to market. The aim is to advance future technology investments by optimizing designs, predicting performance, and reducing the number of testing cycles during development.
The HPC4Mfg website has more details about this solicitation, areas of interest, project examples, and the overall program. Applicants are highly encouraged to partner with non-profits and universities in federally-designated Opportunity Zones and/or Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) on project proposals. The committee will identify Laboratory computer experts to work with the selectees, easing the need for companies to have prior familiarity with the National Laboratories and their personnel.
Please contact IACMI at info@iacmi.org if you have any questions.