Dear IACMI members & partners,
As 2021 closes, we thank you for your continued engagement with IACMI – The Composites Institute and offer our best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2022.
This past year has been a strong year of transition on many fronts, driven by continued IACMI wins and successes:
- A content-rich virtual Members Meeting in February, highlighting new priorities in the evolving global economy.
- Return to an in-person IACMI Members Meeting in Detroit in October, providing powerful presentations and extensive face-to-face networking!
- Quarterly meetings of our six Working Groups (Future Mobility/Vehicles Technology, High Rate Aerostructures Fabrication, Infrastructure/Construction, Wind Energy, Recycling/Circular Economy and Simulation/Digital Twin). These groups provide members a focal point around specific industry needs and opportunities, have established steering committees and are identifying high-leverage R&D and demonstration projects that will “move the needle.”
- Monthly Innovation Insights webinars, featuring the latest products and developments from IACMI members.
- Honored with the SAMPE 2021 Organizational Excellence Award.
- IACMI CEO John Hopkins named Trailblazer in Manufacturing Transformation by Smart Manufacturing.
- So much more, including completion of significant R&D projects, rollout of new composites technician programs at several U.S. locations, and implementation of advanced manufacturing training through America’s Cutting Edge (ACE) to address critical workforce needs in machining composites and metals.
We are busy planning for a robust 2022, including:
- Our annual IACMI Members Meeting in Salt Lake City the week of June 27, featuring high level speakers, working groups, and enhanced face-to-face networking opportunities. Look for more details starting in mid-January on the IACMI website.
- Our IACMI Working Groups will meet four times over 2022, including at the Members Meeting, and we anticipate the launch of several project initiatives involving IACMI supply chain members. If you are already a working group member, you’ll get meeting notifications; if not, check out the IACMI working group page and email to join.
- IACMI will be physically present at JEC in Paris, SAMPE in Charlotte, SPE ACCE in Detroit, CAMX in Anaheim and at other significant industry and workforce events.
- Our monthly Innovation Insights webinars will continue in 2022. This is an opportunity for IACMI members to present their latest advances. Attendance is allowed for anyone, including nonmembers to expand the reach of our members’ messages.
We anticipate several new project funding streams to open for proposal in 2022, including the Consortium Resource Pool and bespoke matching funding from several IACMI state members, available to support private projects as well as Consortium open projects. We continue to work toward creation of additional matching funding streams to drive future innovation in the composites industry.
Not an IACMI member?
Happy Holidays,
Dale Brosius
IACMI Chief Commercialization Officer &
IACMI Consortium Council Executive Director