The US Network for Automotive Engineers
Joining in Car Body Engineering 2018
The Right Joining Technology
Body shop joining technologies clearly are the key enablers in managing and realizing modern lightweight design car body concepts, which increasingly feature advanced mixed material concepts. The oft-repeated claim “The right material in the right place…” is in fact incomplete without having its proper continuation in mind: “… with the right joining technologies!”.
When choosing the “right” joining technology, however, the basic constraint is to ensure the economically sound producibility of car body designs, to keep a focus on engineering solutions that put cost efficiency and flexibility aspects at the center of attention.
The new US Network for Automotive Engineers
Finding and developing such technologies is what the new US-based Automotive Circle-conference Joining in Car Body Engineering is focusing on. The conference aims to bring about an intensive exchange of information and networking among expert automotive engineers from OEM as well as their suppliers, providing valuable contacts and ideas to develop modern car body joining solutions tailored to the American market requirements. The 2-day conference is organized by the Automotive Circle, the foremost communication network of automotive engineers and organizer of the EuroCarBody conference. The platform will focus on application-oriented technical progress concerning all relevant joining technologies for series car body production. A particular emphasis will be placed on opportunities to improve throughput and flexibility for vehicles produced for the American markets.
Topics to be discussed
- Dimensional control in the body shop: efficient and full control of deviations; reliable simulation and prediction; robustness and process stability of technologies used
- Reducing the number of different necessary joining technologies
- Increasing the joining speed
- Extending the range of applications for a given joining technology
- Diminishing process energy consumption and footprint
- Enabling mixed-material joining solutions for more efficient lightweight design concepts
- Enhancing joint performance in terms of strength and durability
- Improving related CAE processes, pertaining to both product and process development
The conference is aimed at
- automotive engineers at international OEM active in the NAFTA region, in pre-development, development and planning of body shop joining technologies
- technical representatives of corresponding system suppliers and engineering service providers.