IACMI Workforce Director Joannie Harmon traveled to New York to the Cradle of Aviation Museum and Education Center to see the progress being made on the new Advanced Composites Career Pathways (ACCP) program lab and training space.
IACMI and collaborators are establishing ACCP’s learning network to develop a skilled advanced composites manufacturing workforce. The national workforce initiative is part of the U.S. Department of Defense Office of Naval Research’s Manufacturing Engineering Education Program (MEEP). MEEP programs prepare current and next-generation manufacturing workers to produce military systems and components that assure defense technological leadership.
In partnership with the museum and IACMI partner, Institute for Workforce Advancement, the museum’s displays will serve to enhance the participants’ learning experience where they can see how composites have evolved from basic prop planes using canvas and glue to the advanced composites being used by NASA today.
The Cradle of Aviation Museum and Education Center is one of the great space and aviation museums, home to over 75 planes and spacecraft representing over 100 years of aviation history.