IACMI and LIFT host FIRST Robotics International and Long-Distance Student Reception at Innovation Facility in Detroit for FIRST Global Competition

May 1, 2018 | Photo caption: Students experienced static electricity in the Van de Graaf generator.

IACMI and LIFT welcomed students from across the world to the manufacturing innovation facility in Detroit, Mich. for the International and Long Distance FIRST Robotics Reception. This reception kicked off the FIRST Robotics Global Competition, held April 25 – 29 at the Cobo Center in downtown Detroit.

The FIRST Global Competition brings an economic impact to Michigan of $30 million by including more than 15,000 students on 400 teams from across the world who build robots and compete for top awards in the FIRST competition. The students who

Students also created a self-contained fire tornado using salt and isopropyl alcohol.

attended the FIRST International and Long-Distance Student Reception at the IACMI/LIFT joint facility represented some of the most driven students pursuing STEM education careers. Over 75 students lead and/or participated in hands-on STEM activities throughout the facility, including playing bongo bananas and creating a contained fire-tornado. Students also met with Michigan college representatives from nearly 30 Michigan colleges and universities and networked with industry professionals, including those from IACMI member, Dassault Systèmes, who discussed the company’s world-renowned apprenticeship program. Michigan colleges and universities participating included Grand Valley State University, Kettering University, Lake Superior State University, Oakland Community College, Michigan State University, Michigan Tech, and the University of Michigan.

The state of Michigan includes more than 15,240 students participating on 508

Kettering University engaged FIRST competitors with robots in hands-on STEM activities.

teams, making Michigan the state with the most high school students on robotics teams in the U.S. “Hosting the FIRST International and Long Distance Reception was a valuable opportunity to connect IACMI members, Michigan colleges and universities, MEDC, and the brightest and most driven students at the IACMI/LIFT facility, which also embodies innovation and the future of manufacturing” said IACMI CEO John A. Hopkins. “It is fitting to bring the future workforce to this facility, as the facility is also leading the future of advanced manufacturing.”

The IACMI Scale-Up Research Facility (SURF), located in the Corktown district of Detroit, MI, represents IACMI’s Vehicles Technology Area. Dr. Lawrence Drzal serves as the director and Dr. Raymond Boeman serves as the associate director of this technology area. The SURF is supported by financial support from MEDC, the U.S. Department of Energy, and other private partners and is managed by Michigan State University.

Detroit is set to host the FIRST Global Competition until 2020, marking the city and state’s support for developing future innovators and leaders in the STEM fields. IACMI continues to support the future advanced manufacturing workforce that FIRST Robotics inspires STEM-focused students to pursue.