Title: Novel Prepreg Technology for High Volume Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber Composites
Date & time: Wednesday, February 28, 2018; 11 a.m.
Place: Seminar Room of JIAM (Room 147), UT Joint Institute for Advanced Materials, 2641 Osprey Vista Way, Knoxville, TN 37996-3849
Presenters: Dave Bank, Jason Reese, Michael Lowe, Dow Chemical Company
Speakers Bio:
Dave Bank is an R&D Fellow within Dow Automotive R&D with focus on thermoset and thermoplastic technology development with emphasis on new products for structural composites, exterior body panels and electronic interconnect applications. Author of over 130 Dow Chemical technology reports, a substantial number of industry publications, 17 patents and certification as a Six Sigma Black Belt. Areas of technology emphasis include, carbon fiber composites, thermal energy storage systems, polycarbonate blends, syndiotactic polystyrene compounds, toughened Nylon, nanocomposites based on cyclic butylene terephthalate oligomers, and most recently new business development via leadership of a joint development agreement between Ford, Continental Structural Plastics and Dow Automotive focused on the development of chemistry and high volume manufacturing processes for structural automotive applications based on light weight carbon fiber composites.
Jason Reese is a Senior Research Scientist in Dow Automotive R&D with 22 years of experience leading innovation of novel polymer products to commercial sales in electronics, automotive, and building integrated photovoltaics markets. Jason’s current focus includes development of carbon fiber composites for high volume vehicles and demonstrating process reliability in the transition from lab to manufacturing scales. Jason has authored over 65 Dow Chemical Technology reports, and 7 industry patents.
Michael Lowe is an Associate Research Scientist in Dow Chemical Core R&D. Michael leads composite material testing and analysis within Dow and has experience in a broad range of analytical techniques to understand material properties and optimize processes. Since joining Dow in 2012, Michael has contributed to the development of surface-active materials as diverse as antimicrobial fabric, heterogeneous catalysts, and carbon fiber for composites. Areas of interest include development of structure-property relationships in complex systems, operando analyses, electrosynthesis, and process optimization at scales from milligrams to metric tons. Michael is a Six Sigma Green Belt with over 65 Dow Chemical technology reports.