Manufacturing USA Institutes Making A Powerful Impact

IACMI-The Composites Institute is one of 16 Manufacturing USA Institutes making a powerful impact to secure the future of the U.S. manufacturing industry through advanced technology innovation and workforce solutions that lead to economic growth.

In 2020, the Manufacturing USA Institutes supported over 500 major applied R+D projects involving more than 2,000 different organizations and provided more than 70,000 people with advanced manufacturing workforce development and training. $425M in state, federal, and private funds supported these activities.

Today, U.S. manufacturing contributes more than $2.3 trillion to the economy each year, provides more than 12 million high-wage jobs, conducts the majority of the nation’s private-sector research and development, and is a key source of innovation.

Manufacturing USA was created to build on this strong foundation, ensuring that the U.S. will continue to be a leader in global manufacturing into the future. Manufacturing USA does this by fostering collaborative development of advanced manufacturing technologies through 16 manufacturing innovation institutes and their sponsoring federal agencies, the U.S. Departments of Commerce, Defense, and Energy.

The institutes — each of which focuses on a specific advanced manufacturing technology — convene private-sector companies, academic institutions, and other stakeholders to pursue collaborative research and development, test applications, train workers, and reduce the risks associated with deploying new technologies.

This large-scale approach to manufacturing innovation is paving the way for the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies and processes across the U.S. industrial base, giving rise to new industries and creating exciting, well-paid manufacturing jobs.

Learn more about the work of the Institutes.

Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA)AIM PhotonicsAmerica MakesARM InstituteAdvanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI) | BioFabUSABioMADECESMIICyManII | Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation InstituteIACMI – The Composites InstituteLift, MxDNextFlexNIIMBL | The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing BiopharmaceuticalsPowerAmericaRAPID Manufacturing Institute™REMADE Institute