Chemical engineers from all over the world visited Knoxville this week for the annual Carbon Fiber Convention.
IACMI-The Composites Institute was well-represented on several panels and in the convention space. Kelly Visconti, Technology Manager for the Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office and IACMI’s DOE liaison was the keynote speaker. Craig Blue (IACMI), Dale Brosius (IACMI), Dan Beattie (DOW), Uday Vaidya (IACMI/UT), Steve Nolet (TPI Composites) and Brian Laufenberg (Chomarat North America) spoke on an IACMI Industry panel.
Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero welcomed attendees to the three-day conference. Learn more about the event from the Local 8 News coverage.
Carbon fiber is popular right now because it’s lightweight and very durable. Engineers use it to make 3D cars, such as the 3D printed Jeep on display from Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
“It’s safe and has properties that allow it to take long stress and curves,” said Larry Landis with IDI Composites International. “And it has been used for generations.”