DOE Announces Funding for Projects Supporting Advanced Composites for Vehicle Applications

IACMI and partners ORNL and MSU highlighted in announcement

On Thursday, July 16, U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette announced DOE support for $139 million in funding for 55 projects across the country that will support new and innovative advanced vehicle technologies across 16 topic areas.

The DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is funding these projects, which includes support for DOE’s Energy Storage Grand Challenge.  Among the highlights of the announcement is $15 million for two projects aimed at lightweight and high-performance fiber-reinforced polymer composites for vehicle applications, one led by Ford, and the second by GM.  The projects are part of a collaboration between the DOE EERE Vehicles Technology Office (VTO) and Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) and IACMI innovation partners ORNL and Michigan State University were noted for their important role in the projects.

“This is a great reflection of the value IACMI and our core partners are providing to the national composites community by creating unique validation capacity and the related expertise impactful to our U.S. manufacturers,” said John Hopkins, IACMI CEO. “These AMO-VTO collaboration projects build off the foundations that our partners and extended teams have created and will create new opportunities for the IACMI consortium community as we move forward.”

Read DOE’s news release HERE.

About IACMI-The Composites Institute

The Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI), managed by the Collaborative Composite Solutions Corporation (CCS), is a partnership of industry, universities, national laboratories, and federal, state and local governments working together to benefit the nation’s energy and economic security by sharing existing resources and co-investing to accelerate innovative research and development in the advanced composites field. CCS is a not-for-profit organization established by The University of Tennessee Research Foundation. The national Manufacturing USA institute is supported by a $70 million commitment from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office, and over $180 million committed from IACMI’s partners. Find out more at