High Rate Aerostructures Fabrication

The rise of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the forthcoming market for Urban Air Mobility, or “flying taxis” requires producing thousands of aircraft per year rather than hundreds. Future single aisle commercial aircraft will only be composite intensive if fabrication times and costs come down. What are the materials and processes likely to prevail for high rate aerostructures? What are the technical challenges that need to be addressed?

Meeting Documents and Presentations

Next Meeting

This Working Group will meet again soon. If you’re interested in joining please email events@iacmi.org.

Virtual meeting screenshot

Working Group Leaders

Kevin Retz

High Rate Aerostructures Fabrication Working Group Leader

Brian Rice

High Rate Aerostructures Fabrication Working Group Leader

Tim Gaur

High Rate Aerostructures Fabrication Working Group Leader

John Geriguis