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November 18, 2024 Innovation Insights

Our monthly webinar series “Innovation Insights” continued Monday, November 18, as IACMI EVP/CCO Dale Brosius moderated discussions on recent technology advancements from IACMI members.

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We heard from:

Gary Ellerhorst
Crown Plastics

User Friendly and Cost-Effective Composite Development and Production

Details TBA

Caleb Fields
Technical Sales Representative, Composites

Mark James, PhD
Research Specialist
James Cropper Advanced Materials

Novel Functions of Lightweight Conductive Nonwoven Materials in Composites
Conductive nonwovens stand out as a unique class of textile substrates, combining lightweight, flexible, and conductive properties that allow them to address challenges where traditional materials, such as films, foils, and paints, often fall short. Join us for an engaging webinar with IACMI. In this session, we’ll explore how conductive nonwovens are revolutionizing composite technology through applications like galvanic corrosion resistance, static dissipation, resistive heating, and EMI shielding. Our panel of experts will also share case studies demonstrating how nonwovens are transforming composite technology.

Amy Keesler
Education and Workforce Manager
IACMI – The Composites Institute

Get to Know the IACMI Internship Program
The IACMI Internship program fosters relationships between member companies, universities, and national laboratories and the best and brightest undergrad and graduate students in the field of composites and advanced materials. Learn how your company can participate as a host of an IACMI intern, including cost-sharing, and how we source the talented and motivated students you need to move your business forward.