Airbus Americas, Inc. Becomes IACMI Premium Member

IACMI is pleased to announce that Airbus Americas, Inc. has elevated its existing membership in IACMI to the Premium level. As a Premium Member, Airbus will now hold a seat on the IACMI Consortium Council, which helps select projects for funding and sets IACMI’s strategic direction.

Airbus employs more than 3,200 people across the U.S. in a growing network of businesses and facilities in aerospace. Among them are two assembly locations that produce “made-in-America” commercial airliners and helicopters. Airbus U.S. Space & Defense provides geospatial intelligence and cyber capabilities, space exploration missions, unmanned aerial systems, and fixed wing aircraft. Airbus has engaged in multiple IACMI projects, including innovative tooling and high-rate composite manufacturing.

Airbus joins three other IACMI members at the Premium Member level: 

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) represents more than 190 companies engaged in the business of chemistry—an innovative, economic growth engine that is helping to solve the biggest challenges facing our country and the world. This includes the leading polymer and composites resin suppliers essential to IACMI’s mission.

Dassault Systèmes supplies world-leading modeling and simulation software to thousands of companies worldwide through the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, supporting IACMI projects with access to CATIA, SIMULIA and other software that enable continued development of digital twins of composite parts and manufacturing processes.

TPI Composites, Inc. is a leading wind blade manufacturer and the only independent wind blade manufacturer with a global footprint, including multiple U.S. facilities. Building 8,800 wind blades in 2023, TPI is a key resource for IACMI’s efforts to improve materials, manufacturing technologies, and recyclability of wind blades.

“We’re thrilled that Airbus sees the value in our highest level of membership,” said Dale Brosius, IACMI’s Chief Commercialization Officer and EVP. “Our Premium Members are instrumental in deciding R&D projects we support, especially Resource Pool projects funded from a portion of all membership dues, and they help us improve the value proposition for all IACMI members.”

As a dynamic and collaborative community, IACMI members are recognized as leaders in the advanced composites manufacturing industry. Our diverse network of 145+ members offer access to exclusive resources, participation in synergetic working groups, and the benefits of our workforce development efforts. IACMI members create a network that spans every kind of organization with a tie to composites technology: manufacturers, suppliers, industry associations, national laboratories, academic institutions, federal government offices, and state government supporters. Through member-only events and individualized connections, IACMI membership gives small start-ups to large enterprises access to resources necessary to move the needle in adopting advanced composites in a broad spectrum of markets. 

For more information about becoming an IACMI Premium Member, or to join IACMI at any member level, visit our website or contact Dale Brosius.

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